Do you want to convert decimals to percentages but find the process a little confusing? Have no fear—we've got you covered with an easy-to-follow guide that will make the conversion a snap.
Let's work on a particular example, which is to convert the decimal 11 to a percentage.
Firstly, let us ascertain our variables:
Knowing our values now allows us to apply the conversion formula.:
Or, more simply:
With our formula in hand, let's plug in our values:
After doing the multiplication, we find:
Therefore, a scale factor of 100 means that the decimal 11, when transformed to a percent, equals 1100.
While converting decimals to percentages can initially look difficult, it's actually quite easy if you know how to do it and have a basic formula. Just keep in mind that the conversion requires multiplying the decimal by 100.
There you have it, then! You'll be prepared to handle every decimal-to-percent conversion that comes your way with this detailed instruction. Cheers to your calculations!